Concert Hall «Dzintari»


Concert Hall «Dzintari» was founded in 1936 and is popular among the residents of Jurmala to this day. Various festivals and other entertainment events are often held here.

The first concerts at the music venue in the Dzintari area were held already in the 1870s. The repertoire at that time consisted mainly of light dance music, as well as operetta, variety shows and even circus acts. In 1914, concert life was interrupted by the outbreak of the First World War. Concerts began to appear only in 1920. The organization of these events was carried out by concertmaster Alberts Berzins with the orchestra of the National Opera of Latvia, so quite quickly the stage in Dzintari again becomes a popular concert venue. It was here that concerts of famous artists once took place. In order to improve the acoustics of the open stage and ensure the protection of listeners from adverse weather conditions, a new roof covering was erected between 1959 and 1962 under the direction of the architect Modris Gelzis, which made the Dzintari Concert Hall one of the most modern and popular resort concert halls in the entire Soviet Union.

In «Dzintari» At one time, outstanding artists performed, including: Dmitry Bashkirov, Lazar Berman, Alexey Lyubimov, Gidon Kremer, Leonid Kogan, Vladimir Spivakov, Mikhail Vaiman, Mikhail Khomitser, Mstislav Rostropovich, David Oistrakh, Svyatoslav Richter and many others. Now the concert venue is still popular and delights its audience with beautiful and vibrant events.

Total «Dzintari» has two halls — small and large. The large hall is open and has a roof, but there are no walls in the auditorium. This building was erected in 1962 and has 2,110 seats. Small Concert Hall – a closed wooden room consisting of three parts. It is an architectural monument because the building is crowned with a portico and colonnade. The capacity of this hall – 460 people.

The famous events, loved by many, were held here: the Jurmala Humor Festival, the New Wave and «Voting KiViN».